Juan Martínez Castillo [email protected] Rakiura y Frigochaco Natural Beef firmaron un acuerdo mediante el cual buscan presentar la mayor calidad en cuanto a cortes de la carne de Don Pepe para sus socios y clientes. El acuerdo fue oficializado y presentado en una cena buffet realizada
Alianza Frigochaco-Rakiura (Fuente: 5 Días)
Alianza Frigochaco-Rakiura (Fuente: ABC Color)
Rakiura Resort y Frigorífico Frigochaco ofrecieron una cena para invitados especiales para brindar por la reciente alianza. La cita fue en el restaurante principal del club, donde explicaron detalles del nuevo convenio que busca ofrecer a los socios del club y clientes de la marca un espacio con exclusividades.
Frigochaco signs an alliance with Rakiura Resort.
Last night, during an unforgettable evening at the Rakiura Resort facilities, the signing of the Frigochaco - Rakiura Alliance was held. The Premium-Meat Don Pepe, will now be part of the Sunday menu and also on all the events realized in Rakiura, such as Weddings, Birthdays, Business Events among others.
The authorities of both companies and special guests tasted the …
Pink October
Month of the fight against Breast Cancer.
You can save your life.
Touch yourself so it doesn't touch you.
New commercial agreement with the Qatar Airways Airline.
On Monday, September 16, Frigochaco, owned by Coop. FERNHEIM Ltda., was visited by Mr. Ragin Rajan, in charge of food quality control for Qatar Airways.
At the stand of the Paraguayan Chamber of Meat during the Anuga fair, on Saturday 5th, Frigochaco received the approval by the food quality control department of Qatar Airways. A contract was signed between Frigochaco …