El Paraguay se ubicó como principal proveedor de carne vacuna de Israel, que es un nicho de mercado que paga muy bien y que tiene exigencias técnicas especiales de carácter religioso, según informó anoche el presidente del Servicio Nacional de Calidad y Salud Animal (Senacsa), José Carlos Martin Camperchioli.
Paraguay logra primer lugar en carne en Israel.
Expo M.R.A. 2019 - Reserved Great Champion
In the framework of the Expo Mariano Roque Alonso - Edition 2019. The animal´s competion was held yesterday in the Central Rodeo.
Cooperativa Fernheim Ltda., for its Experimental Chacra, with the Brahman breed, took the prize to Reserved Great Champion.
Compendio de Normas Paraguayas de carne bovinas y sus productos.
33 Likes, 0 Comments - SENACSA (@senacsa_py) on Instagram: “El Presidente del SENACSA da la bienvenida al lanzamiento del compendio de "Normas Paraguayas de…”
First shipment to Qatar Airways - May 2019
In May of this year, Frigochaco made their first shipment of 28 ton. to Qatar Airways. This is the second buisiness agreement of 165.880ton to be sent in a period of 6 months
This agreement was achived after Frigochaco adapted its slaughter chain to the animal welfare requirements demanded by the airline. The improvement consisted in the implementation of two …
Happy anniversary # 18
In the month of July Frigochaco turns 18 years of being by your side. Our mission, to satisfy your palate, bringing to your table the best meat you can share with your loved ones.
A toast to the relationship we forged with you in all these years and for the many more that will come.