
Local and international Frigochaco sales and local Beefshop in Asunción

#Paraguay Ventas de Frigochaco a nivel Local e internacional y local Beefshop en Asunción

Today we will talk about Frigochaco's national and international sales department and local Beefshop in Asunción with Celeste González, Export Sales Manager; Luis Neufeld, Beefshop Sales Manager; and Mathias Klassen, Local Sales Manager.

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Happy and sweet new year!

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Frigochaco wishes you a year of prosperity, joy and peace 😁.

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Carne Chaqueña adquiere el sello de "Marca País"

Carne Chaqueña adquiere el sello de "Marca País"

FILADELFIA. La Cooperativa Fernheim a través de sus productos cárnicos Don Pepe, Natural Beef Fernheim y Pampa Gold recibió la certificación “Marca País” otorgado por la Red de Inversiones y Exporta­ciones (Rediex) del Ministe­rio de Industria y Comercio.

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Social Responsibility - Frigochaco

El Chaco Avanza

Today we will learn about part of the work of the Frigochaco Social Responsibility Program of the Fernheim Coop.

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Producción de carne del frigorífico FRIGOCHACO de Fernheim parte 2 - El Chaco Avanza✅#Paraguay

Today we continue talking about the meat production process, with Dr. Francisco Fernandez, Production Manager of Frigochaco of Coop Fernheim.

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